Kinesthetic Dreaming

“What’s the dream?”  he asks in his baritone voice with a hint of California drawl.

My coach, whom I’ve been working with for months, is not talking about the standard night-time dream with convoluted images and messages, but rather what is the dream I’m working toward? 

I’ve always had resistance to this question. It’s felt elusive to me. Primarily because it is an underworked muscle. Lack of attention and my limiting beliefs or “gremlin” mindset have prevented me from fully experimenting with my dreams as an adult. Dreaming has become an atrophied muscle for me. It’s easy for my mind and body to remain focussed on the daily “to do” list or the weekly tasks at hand - but dreaming, imagining - that is the stuff of luxury. Or is it? 

I’ve noticed similar responses with my own coaching clients. Dreaming can feel “unrealistic” to some. Others have a hard time visualizing anything in particular. What’s the value of it? How does it serve my daily life? What’s the point of it?

 In my experience it is a tool for unlocking possibility; opening up to new perspectives.

As the dreaming conversation continues with my coach I begin to realize that ideas and inspirations come to me when I’m moving; I access freedom and possibility when I’m walking in nature or dancing in my kitchen. I realize the dreaming muscle is closer at hand than I’ve allowed myself to see.

“You’re a kinesthetic dreamer” my coach announces. I pause when I hear this, feeling curious and called to action. And so my practice of kinesthetic dreaming is birthed and named.

Many of us identify with kinesthetic learning - learning that takes place by the student carrying out a physical activity.  Kinesthetic learners are often known as “do-ers” according to Wikipedia. But what I’m curious to explore is more of a state of “being” rather than “doing.” I want to bring a sense of play to dreaming, not make it another heady exploration, but to access new avenues and experiment with my body’s intelligence.

My process begins with taking my awareness into my body.

I pause to notice what’s there. I feel a gripping sensation in my shoulders. I use that as the starting point - beginning to breathe and do small movements to start the exploration.   Other sensations become apparent - a dullness in my upper back, a heaviness in my legs. I begin to make more spontaneous movements and link my voice to that process. My body intelligence takes over. I let some non-sensical sound, a “plaaahhh” out of my mouth. I’m trusting that my body knows what it’s doing and I let it guide me. I’ve had experience with this type of exercise in my past acting training, but this feels different - it’s  freeing and energizing. I check in with myself - what is my body asking for? What is the physical expression of my heart’s longing? At this point it feels like a clearing process, sifting through grey matter to rediscover dreams I’ve forgotten - or more correctly, new dreams that want to surface. I pause and feel a flowing sensation down my arms as if cobwebs were dripping off my fingertips.

I am opening up the channels of receptivity - building the dreaming muscle. 


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I’m sitting at my desk about to start my writing process when I feel a familiar tension in the back of my neck and shoulders. It’s as if someone is digging their nails into my upper trapezius; long, red, false finger nails. My ideas and energy feel trapped, stale and stuck in my neck. I’m aware of the furrow in-between my eyebrows, my breathing becomes shallow. My face feels like it’s collapsing into itself and everything within me feels dry. I am like a rock face which has been scraped away so that all that is left is a chalky white finish. All the while a voice within runs a tape of messages: “Really, you’re going to write that? I don’t know what to do. I’ve been working on this project so long and its self indulgent drivel. Who’s going to read this? You don’t know what your doing. Everything is flat. You’re a disaster. Why bother? ” And on and on it goes. 

I’ve come to know this voice and energy well after a process of bringing focused attention to it. It is my Saboteur. I call her Mean Charlene.

According to Shirzad Chamine, author of Positive Intelligence, Saboteurs are “a set of automatic and habitual mind patterns, each with its own voice, beliefs, and assumptions that work against your best interest. They are universal... because they are connected to the functions of the brain that are focused on survival.” At some point in our existence the Saboteur served us, but now it clings to an outdated belief system which impedes us with moving toward what we want in our lives, and expressing our gifts. According to Chamine, only 20% of individuals and teams reach their potential due to the fact that Saboteurs are controlling their thought processes - often times without the individual’s awareness.

In Co-Active Coaching we bring awareness to the existence of the Saboteur - it is a crucial step in moving clients toward their goals and living their most meaningful life. Self-sabotage arises when we are in the process of making real changes in our lives.  

The challenge when dealing with Saboteurs is that for many of us it is difficult to identify and separate the Saboteur voice from a voice which is serving us - what Chamine calls the “Sage” voice. The habit of being critical of ourselves is so ingrained that we don’t realize how destructive this voice is to our well-being.

A place to start bringing awareness to our Saboteurs is by simply noticing when they are present, and noticing the messages they want to repeat. For example, the master Saboteur, the voice of the Judge, wants to find fault with ourselves as well as others, and situations. It is hyper-critical. It shows up as the voice of “tough love” and is afraid that if you don’t listen to it and its harsh advice, you will become lazy and unambitious. Nothing and no one is good enough for the Judge Saboteur.

As a first step in shining the light on this voice, notice how quickly it wants to come in to quash your ideas and inspirations. What happens to your mood, your posture and overall energy when this happens? What is the mood of others around you? Are there negative emotions arising out of this thought process? 

Often times the Saboteur energy is confused, dull; as if a cloud has come over your body and thinking. Language can be an indicator that the Saboteur has taken over - phrases such as “ I can’t do that” or “it will never happen” or “ I need to figure this out before I move forward” are all clues to the Saboteur’s lurking presence.

In the case of my Saboteur, Mean Charlene, I take a few breaths and acknowledge that the Saboteur is present. I try to accept her and then I give her a voice by free writing all of her complaints for a short time in my journal. I move my body, shift my geography, let the tears flow and keep breathing as this energy moves through me. Sometimes I use humour with Mean Charlene and tell her to go for a coffee - Saboteurs aren’t big fans of exposure or humour. Often what I find is lurking beneath the Saboteur rant is vulnerability and fear. Softening is a big part of moving through the Saboteur energy for me. By identifying the Saboteur and leaning into that energy, I’m more easily able to uncover the underlying feelings which require my compassion. This is an ongoing, step by step process, and with intention, breath and awareness the Saboteur begins to loosen its hold.

 Shirzad Chamine’s book Positive Intelligence is a invaluable resource in learning more about Saboteur awareness.

Taking My Cue From the Wisdom of Nature

I’m looking out my dining room window at the handful of golden orange leaves which remain on my Service Berry tree. Of all the trees in my garden, the service berry is one of the last to lose its leaves. The theme of letting go is ever present with the end of fall and the movement toward winter. It is a time to tune into the season; nature as teacher, reminding me of what I need to pay attention to in my own life. The letting go process without and within. What old idea, habit, or grievance needs to be released? As the tree transfers its nutrients from the leaves to the roots, I also turn my attention to my own rooting process. The inward and downward energy of the winter months is whispering to me. What nutrients do my own roots need? What energy do I need to ground and think of nurturing?

These ideas are not new, in fact the gift of the seasonal change reminds me that I’ve been in this place before, I know this cycle well. But I’m encountering these ideas from a slightly different place, my current present moment. This time of transition and change is a wonderful reminder for me to honour what I inherently know. To take note of what has shifted in my life since last year at this time. What do I need to remember as I encounter these concepts in this moment ? How can I tune into my instincts more acutely and pay attention to the signals from my body? What is calling for my attention - asking for more energy or less? What structures do I need to put in place so the practices that serve me actually become a priority in my life? Do I need more meditation and less running or the other way around? What do I need to recommit to at this point in the year? At this juncture of my life? How can I stay curious when I am in a place that feels so familiar and I think I know how it all plays out?

As the afternoon sun hits the branches of the tree, I feel grateful for the shift in the season. I welcome the idea of hunkering in with my creativity; of sipping tea reading a book or seeing the trees with a new bare branch perspective. The opportunity to reconnect, ground and prepare for the growth which inevitably will follow. Trusting in the wisdom of nature.